Friday, April 24, 2020

Fungsi Dan Bagian Organ Paru-Paru (Lung)

Fungsi Dan Bagian Organ Paru-Paru (Lung).

Manusia memiliki sepasang paru-paru yang terletak di dalam rongga dada di atas diafragma (sekat antara rongga dada dan rongga perut). Paru-paru memiliki tugas utama yaitu mengambil oksigen (02) dari darah dan mengeluarkan karbondioksida ke udara melalui proses pernafasan. Paru-paru terbagi menjadi 2, yaitu:

  1. Paru-paru Kanan. Paru-paru kanan terdiri atas 3 gelambir, yaitu: Gelambir Atas, Gelambir Tengah, Gelambir Bawah.
  2. Paru-paru Kiri.
fungsi organ paru-paru, bagian paru-paru, letak paru-paru, lokasi paru, paru-paru adalah, pengertian paru (lung)

Bagian Paru-Paru.

1. Bronkus.

Bronkus adalah cabang trakea yang terhubung dengan paru-paru kiri dan kanan. Udara yang masuk dan keluar dari paru-paru  melewati bronkus. Bronkus juga disebut memiliki peran untuk mengeluarkan lendir atau dahak yang berperan dalam sistem pertahanan tubuh.

2. Bronkiolus.

Bronkiolus yang merupakan percabangan dari bronkus. Bronkiolus berukuran sangat kecil, seperti rambut, dan jumlahnya banyak. Baik di paru-paru kiri maupun kanan, terdapat hingga 30.000 bronkiolus.

3. Alveoli dan Alveolus.
Alveoli merupakan kumpulan kantung udara yang terletak di ujung Bronkiolus. Masing-masing kantong udara disebut dengan alveolus dan memiliki ukuran yang sangat kecil. Jumlah alveoli sangatlah banyak yaitu sekitar 600 juta buah. Di dalam gugus kantong udara inilah tempat pertukaran gas oksigen (02) dan karbondioksida (C02).

4. Pleura.

Pleura adalah lapisan membran tipis dan licin, berfungsi sebagai pelindung paru-paru. Selaput licin (pleura) inilah yang memungkinkan paru-paru dapat bergerak pada waktu kita bernapas, tanpa menimbulkan kerusakan pada kedua paru-paru tersebut. Pleura memiliki dua lapisan, sehingga saat paru-paru bersentuhan dengan bagian dalam tulang rangka, tidak akan terjadi gesekan.

fungsi organ paru-paru, bagian paru-paru, letak paru-paru, lokasi paru, paru-paru adalah, pengertian paru (lung)

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

WhatsApp Dark Mode: How to Activate WhatsApp Dark Mode on Android

WhatsApp Dark Mode: How to Activate WhatsApp Dark Mode on Android

Now WhatsApp (WA) already has a new look, which some people would love to use. Yup, WhatsApp has released the Dark Mode Theme feature.

To be able to use Dark Mode, you must update your WhatsApp at least version 2.20.123. This new look can be said to make the user's eyes comfortable.

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How to Activate Dark Mode WhatsApp?

1. Open your WhatsApp application, and click the [Menu] button in the form of 3 vertical dots in the upper right corner of your Android smartphone screen.

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2. Select the [Settings] option.

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3. After that, select the [Chats] option.

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4. In the [Display] section, click on [Theme].

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5. Under [Choose theme], change the choice that was originally [Light] to [Dark]. Then click [OK].

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6. You will find that your WhatsApp theme has changed to [Dark Mode].

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7. And this is the new look on your WhatsApp chat.

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Sunday, April 19, 2020

WhatsApp Dark Mode : Cara Mengaktifkan Tema Gelap WA Di Android

WhatsApp Dark Mode : Cara Mengaktifkan Tema Gelap WA Di Android

Kini WhatsApp (WA) telah memiliki tampilan baru dimana sebagian orang pasti akan senang menggunakannya. Yup, WhatsApp telah merilis fitur Dark Mode Theme atau tema gelap.

Untuk bisa menggunakan Dark Mode (tema mode gelap), anda harus mengupdate WhatsApp anda setidaknya versi 2.20.123. Tampilan baru ini bisa dikatakan bisa membuat nyaman mata penggunanya.

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Bagaimana Cara Setting Untuk Aktifkan Dark Mode (Tema Mode Gelap) WhatsApp?

1. Buka WhatsApp anda dan klik tombol Menu yang berupa 3 titik vertikal di pojok kanan atas layar smartphone Android anda.

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2. Pilih opsi Settings.

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3. Setelah itu pilih opsi Chats.

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4. Pada bagian Display, klik pada Theme.

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5. Pada Choose theme, gantilah pilihan yang semula Light menjadi Dark. Lalu klik OK.

6. Ketika anda keluar, anda akan mendapati bahwa tema WhatsApp anda sudah berubah menjadi Dark Mode.

7. Inilah tampilan baru pada chat WhatsApp anda.

Demikian tutorial singkat WhatsApp Dark Mode : Cara Mengaktifkan Tema Gelap WA Di Android. Semoga bermanfaat

Friday, April 17, 2020

Cara Setting (Atur) Tombol Enter Untuk Membuat Baris Baru Pada WhatsApp

Bagaimana cara merubah (setting) tombol Enter untuk membuat baris baru pada obrolan WhatsApp?

# Buka WhatsApp. Silahkan buka WhatsApp anda terlebih dahulu dan tekan tombol Settings yang berupa 3 titik vertikal di sebelah kanan.

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# Settings. Pilih opsi Settings.

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# Chats. Pilih Opsi Chats.

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# Enter is send. Hilangkan tanda centang pada kotak pilihan Enter is send

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Dengan cara diatas, tombol Enter anda akan berfungsi membuat paragraf/baris baru, bukan mengirim pesan. Demikian tutorial singkat Cara Setting Tombol Enter Untuk Membuat Baris Baru Pada WhatsApp. Semoga bermanfaat.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Pengertian, Fungsi, Dan Bagian-Bagian Organ Usus

Usus (Intestine).

Usus adalah bagian dari sistem pencernaan yang berfungsi untuk menyerap air dan sari-sari makanan. Usus  bermula dari Lambung dan berakhir di Anus . Usus terdiri dari dua bagian yaitu: Usus Halus (Small Intestine) dan Usus Besar (kolon).

A. Usus Halus (Small Intestine).

Usus Halus terbagi lagi menjadi beberapa macam, antara lain seba­gai berikut:
  1. Usus 12 Jari (Duodenum) : Usus dua belas jari bertanggung jawab untuk menyalurkan makanan ke usus halus.
  2. Usus Kosong (Jejunum) : Usus kosong dalah bagian kedua dari usus halus yang berada di antara usus dua belas jari dan usus penyerapan.
  3. Usus Penyerapan (Ilenium) : merupakan tempat terjadinya penyerapan sari-sari makanan.
pengertian usus, fungsi usus, pembagian usus, organ tubuh pencernaan, usus halus, usus besar, apa itu usus, susu adalah

B. Usus Besar (Kolon).

Usus besar berfungsi untuk mengatur kadar air pada kotoran. Di dalam usus besar ini terdapat bakteri yang sangat menguntungkan. Kolon terdiri dari beberapa bagian, antara lain:
  1. Kolon menanjak (Ascending)
  2. Kolon melintang (Transverse)
  3. Kolon menurun (Descending)
  4. Kolon sigmoid
  5. Rektum
pengertian usus, fungsi usus, pembagian usus, organ tubuh pencernaan, usus halus, usus besar, apa itu usus, susu adalah

Monday, April 6, 2020

Lirik Lagu Bad Liar - Imagine Dragons (Accoustic Cover) by Anna Hamilton

Lirik Lagu Bad Liar - Imagine Dragons (Acoustic Cover) by Anna Hamilton

Oh, hush, my dear, it's been a difficult year
And terrors don't prey on innocent victims
Trust me, darlin', trust me darlin'

It's been a loveless year
I'm a man of three fears
Integrity, faith and crocodile tears
Trust me, darlin', trust me, darlin'

So look me in the eyes, tell me what you see?
Perfect paradise, tearin' at the seams
I wish I could escape, I don't wanna fake it
Wish I could erase it, make your heart believe

But I'm a bad liar, bad liar
Now you know, now you know
That I'm a bad liar, bad liar
Now you know, you're free to go

All my dreams never mean one thing?
Does happiness lie in a diamond ring?
Oh, I've been askin' for
I've been askin' for problems, problems
Ooh-ooh, ooh

I wage my war, on the world inside
I take my gun to the enemy's side
Oh, I've been askin' for
I've been askin' for problems, problems
So look me in the eyes, tell me what you see
Perfect paradise, tearin' at the seams
I wish I could escape, I don't wanna fake it
Wish I could erase it, make your heart believe

But I'm a bad liar, bad liar
Now you know, now you know
That I'm a bad liar, bad liar
Now you know, you're free to go

I can't breathe, I can't be
I can't be what you want me to be
Believe me, this one time
Believe me

I'm a bad liar, bad liar
Now you know, now you know
That I'm a bad liar, bad liar
Now you know, you're free to go

Believe me

Jika anda menyukai lagu diatas anda bisa membeli Kaset / CD Original-nya.
Lirik lagu diatas adalah hak cipta / hak milik dari pengarang, artis, dan label musik yang bersangkutan. Seluruh media termasuk lirik lagu yang terdapat di situs ini hanyalah untuk keperluan promosi dan informasi.
SINICHINET tidak menyediakan link download lagu Bad Liar - Imagine Dragons (Accoustic Cover) by Anna Hamilton.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Lirik Lagu Sunday Best - Surfaces (Feeling good, like I should)

Lirik Lagu Sunday Best - Surfaces (Feeling good, like I should)

Feeling good, like I should
Went and took a walk around the neighborhood
Feeling blessed, never stressed
Got that sunshine on my sunday best

Everyday can be a better day despite the challenge
All you gotta do is leave it better than you found it
It's gonna get difficult to stand but hold your balance
I just say whatever cause there is no way around it cause

Everyone falls down sometimes
But you just gotta know it'll all be fine
It's ok, uh-huh
It's ok, it's ok

Feeling good, like I should
Went and took a walk around the neighborhood
Feeling blessed, never stressed
Got that sunshine on my sunday best

Somedays you wake up and nothing works you feel surrounded
Gotta give your feet some gravity to get you grounded
Keep good things inside your ears just like the waves and sound did
And just say whatever cause there is no way around it

Everyone falls down sometimes
But you just gotta know it'll all be fine
It's ok, uh-huh
It's ok, it's ok

Feeling good, like I should
Went and took a walk around the neighborhood
Feeling blessed, never stressed
Got that sunshine on my sunday best

Feeling good, like I should
Went and took a walk around the neighborhood
Feeling blessed, never stressed
Got that sunshine on my sunday best

Jika anda menyukai lagu diatas anda bisa membeli Kaset / CD Original-nya.
Lirik lagu diatas adalah hak cipta / hak milik dari pengarang, artis, dan label musik yang bersangkutan. Seluruh media termasuk lirik lagu yang terdapat di situs ini hanyalah untuk keperluan promosi dan informasi.
SINICHINET tidak menyediakan link download lagu Lirik Lagu Sunday Best - Surfaces (Feeling good, like I should).

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

How to permanently turn off Windows 10 updates? Try This.

If you want to know the latest way to permanently turn off Windows 10 Update, you can try this tutorial. We have tried this tutorial on [Windows 10 Home Version 1903 (OS Build 18362.30)] and it worked.
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How to permanently turn off Windows 10 updates?

There are 4 steps to permanently turn off Windows 10 Update.
  • Step 1 using Services (services.msc).
  • Step 2 using the Registry Editor (regedit).
  • Step 3 using File Explorer.
  • Step 4 using the Command Prompt.

A. Step 1: by using Services (services.msc).

1. Press the [Windows+R] Button or use [Start-Run] to open the Run Command.

2. Type [services.msc] to run the [Services] feature.

How to turn off Windows 10 auto update by force to save internet quota. Tutorial on saving quota on Windows 10, turn off permanent updates, tips, tricks effective, steps, easy, fast, effective, sure way, turn off updates forever, stop downloading Windows 10 updates forever

3. Select the [Windows Updates] option in the right hand column, and double-click it so that the [Windows Update Properties (Local Computer)] window appears.

4. On the [General] tab, for the [Startup type] section, select the [Disabled] option. After that, press the [Stop] button.

How to turn off Windows 10 auto update by force to save internet quota. Tutorial on saving quota on Windows 10, turn off permanent updates, tips, tricks effective, steps, easy, fast, effective, sure way, turn off updates forever, stop downloading Windows 10 updates forever

5. Select the [Recovery] tab. In the [First failure] section, change the [Restart the Service] option to [Take No Action]. Click the [Apply] and [OK] button.

How to turn off Windows 10 auto update by force to save internet quota. Tutorial on saving quota on Windows 10, turn off permanent updates, tips, tricks effective, steps, easy, fast, effective, sure way, turn off updates forever, stop downloading Windows 10 updates forever

B. Step 2: Using the Registry Editor (regedit).

We will change the data in the [wuauserv, WaaSMedicSvc, UsoSvc] section.

1. Press the [Windows+R] button or use [Start-Run] to open [Run Command].

2. Type [regedit] to run [Registry Editor].

3. Follow the navigation below:

4. Change the data on [DependOnService] and [ImagePath].
  • DependOnService : change [rpcss] to [rpcssX].
  • ImagePath : change [%systemroot%\system32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs] to [%systemroot%\system32\svchostX.exe -k netsvcs]
How to turn off Windows 10 auto update by force to save internet quota. Tutorial on saving quota on Windows 10, turn off permanent updates, tips, tricks effective, steps, easy, fast, effective, sure way, turn off updates forever, stop downloading Windows 10 updates forever

How to turn off Windows 10 auto update by force to save internet quota. Tutorial on saving quota on Windows 10, turn off permanent updates, tips, tricks effective, steps, easy, fast, effective, sure way, turn off updates forever, stop downloading Windows 10 updates forever

5. Follow the navigation below:

6. Double-click on the [Start] section, and change the number [3] to [4]. Then change the data on [DependOnService] and [ImagePath].
  • DependOnService : change [rpcss] to [rpcssX].
  • ImagePath : change [%systemroot%\system32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs] to [%systemroot%\system32\svchostX.exe -k netsvcs]

7. Follow the navigation below:

8. Double-click on the [Start] section, and change the number [3] to [4]. Then change the data on [DependOnService] and [ImagePath].
  • DependOnService : change [rpcss] to [rpcssX].
  • ImagePath : change [%systemroot%\system32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs] to [%systemroot%\system32\svchostX.exe -k netsvcs]

C. Step 3 : Using File Explorer.

1. Press the [Windows+E] button or use [Start-Windows System-File Explorer].

2. Follow the following navigation: C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution.

3. Delete all folders & files contained in the Download folder.

The next step is: take over [permission] from [System] on the file:
  • wuaueng.dll
  • wuauclt.exe
  • WaaSMedicAgent.exe
  • WaaSMedicSvc.dll
  • WaaSMedicCapsule.dll
  • WaaSMedicPS.dll
  • UsoClient.exe
  • usosvc.dll

All files can be found at C:\Windows\System32\

4. Find the [wuaueng.dll] file by following this navigation:

5. Right-click on the file and select the [Properties] option. Then select the [Security] tab, and click the [Advance] button to open the [Advance Security Settings] window.

How to turn off Windows 10 auto update by force to save internet quota. Tutorial on saving quota on Windows 10, turn off permanent updates, tips, tricks effective, steps, easy, fast, effective, sure way, turn off updates forever, stop downloading Windows 10 updates forever

6. In the [Owner] section, click on [Change]. Type your username, then press the [Check Names] button, then the [OK] button. Continue clicking the [OK] button next, until the [Properties] window closes. We must close the [Properties] window first so that the addition of the user name that we did earlier was processed by the Windows system.

How to turn off Windows 10 auto update by force to save internet quota. Tutorial on saving quota on Windows 10, turn off permanent updates, tips, tricks effective, steps, easy, fast, effective, sure way, turn off updates forever, stop downloading Windows 10 updates forever
How to turn off Windows 10 auto update by force to save internet quota. Tutorial on saving quota on Windows 10, turn off permanent updates, tips, tricks effective, steps, easy, fast, effective, sure way, turn off updates forever, stop downloading Windows 10 updates forever

7. Repeat method No.5 for the [wuaueng.dll] file to open the [Advance Security Settings] window again.

8. Double click on one of the names in the Principal column (such as TrustedInstaller), so that the [Permission Entry] window appears. Remove all check marks except for the read section in the [Basic Permission] section Then press the OK button.

How to turn off Windows 10 auto update by force to save internet quota. Tutorial on saving quota on Windows 10, turn off permanent updates, tips, tricks effective, steps, easy, fast, effective, sure way, turn off updates forever, stop downloading Windows 10 updates forever

9. Perform step no.8 on all [Principal]. Then click the [Apply] and [OK] button. Continue clicking the [OK] button until the [Properties] window closes.

10. Repeat steps No.5 through No.9 for all of the following files: wuauclt.exe, WaaSMedicAgent.exe, WaaSMedicSvc.dll, WaaSMedicCapsule.dll, WaaSMedicPS.dll, UsoClient.exe, and usosvc.dll.

D. Step 4 : Using Command Prompt.

1. Follow the navigation below: Start - Windows System - Command Prompt.

2. Run [Command Prompt] as [Administrator].

3. Type or copy the command below then press Enter.
takeown /f "%windir%\System32\UsoClient.exe" /a

4. Continue by typing or copy the command below and press Enter.
icacls "%windir%\System32\UsoClient.exe" /inheritance:r /remove "Administrators" "Authenticated Users" "Users" "System"

Note: If you want to run the [UsoClient] feature again, because you want to update Windows, you can use the following command:
icalcs "%windir%\System32\UsoClient.exe" /reset

5. Restart your computer.

Hopefully this article can be useful for those of you who need it.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Gerakan Di Rumah Saja Untuk Melawan Penyebaran Virus Corona

Seperti yang sudah banyak diberitakan oleh media massa, penyebaran virus Corona di Indonesia sudah mencapai tahap yang mengkhawatirkan. Ditulis di CNN Indonesia per 21 Maret 2020, perkembangan Covid-19 (Corona) sudah mencapai 450 kasus positif dimana diantaranya 38 orang meninggal dunia dan 20 orang sembuh.

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Para dokter dan petugas kesehatan lainnya selaku Pejuang Kesehatan, berada di garis terdepan untuk melawan penyebaran Covid-19 ini. Bahkan diantara beliau sudah ada yang jatuh korban meninggal. Tidak ketinggalan pula pemerintah memberikan himbauan dan menyediakan fasilitas untuk para korban virus Covid-19 ini. Bahkan Pemerintah Daerah sudah mengambil kebijaksanaan di bidang pendidikan yaitu agar para siswa sekolah melakukan kegiatan belajar di rumah.

Lalu bagaimana dengan kita selaku masyarakat? Bisakah kita membantu mencegah penyebaran Corona?
Tentu saja BISA!!

Yaitu dengan sebisa mungkin mengurangi kegiatan di luar rumah. Bisa dimulai dengan menjaga anak-anak kita tetap di rumah saja. Mungkin hal ini akan memberikan "pekerjaan tambahan" bagi orang tua, namun bagaimanapun juga hal ini harus dilakukan.

Bagaimana jika anak-anak bosan karena di rumah terus?

Untuk menjaga agar anak-anak tidak bosan di rumah, orang tua harus berpikir kreatif bagaimana menciptakan suasana yang menyenangkan bagi anak. Jangan serta merta "tugas menjaga" anak diserahkan kepada smartphone

Orang tua bisa mengajak anak-anak untuk melakukan kegiatan sehari-hari seperti memasak, membuat kue, dan mencuci baju. Atau bisa melakukan kegiatan bermain semisal menjawab kuis, tebak lokasi benda di dalam rumah, serta permainan lainnya. Tidak lupa juga untuk mengajarkan kepada anak-anak pentingnya menjaga kebersihan diri dengan sering mencuci tangan, muka dan hidung.

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Dengan demikian diharapkan anak-anak menjadi betah di rumah. Selain bisa mencegah anak-anak kita tertular virus covid-19, kita juga secara tidak langsung berkontribusi membantu pemerintah dan para Pejuang Kesehatan dalam mengurangi penyebaran virus corona.

Ayo kita lakukan gerakan DI RUMAH SAJA untuk melawan virus Corona.
#dirumahaja #dirumahsaja #lawancorona #anticorona

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Lirik Lagu Girls Like You - Maroon 5 ft. Cardi B

Lirik Lagu Girls Like You - Maroon 5 ft. Cardi B

Spent 24 hours
I need more hours with you
You spent the weekend
Getting even, ooh ooh
We spent the late nights
Making things right, between us
But now it's all good baby
Roll that Backwood baby
And play me close

'Cause girls like you
Run around with guys like me
'Til sundown, when I come through
I need a girl like you, yeah yeah

Girls like you
Love fun, yeah me too
What I want when I come through
I need a girl like you, yeah yeah

Yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah
I need a girl like you, yeah yeah

Yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah
I need a girl like you, yeah yeah

I spent last night
On the last flight to you
Took a whole day up
Trying to get way up, ooh ooh
We spent the daylight
Trying to make things right between us
And now it's all good baby
Roll that Backwood baby
And play me close

'Cause girls like you
Run around with guys like me
'Til sundown, when I come through
I need a girl like you, yeah yeah

Girls like you
Love fun, yeah me too
What I want when I come through
I need a girl like you, yeah yeah

Yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah
I need a girl like you, yeah yeah

Yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah
I need a girl like you, yeah yeah
I need a girl like you, yeah yeah
I need a girl like you

Maybe it's 6:45
Maybe I'm barely alive
Maybe you've taken my shit for the last time, yeah
Maybe I know that I'm drunk
Maybe I know you're the one
Maybe I'm thinking it's better if you drive

'Cause girls like you
Run around with guys like me
'Til sundown, when I come through
I need a girl like you, yeah yeah

'Cause girls like you
Run around with guys like me
'Til sundown, when I come through
I need a girl like you, yeah yeah

Girls like you
Love fun, yeah me too
What I want when I come through
I need a girl like you, yeah yeah

Yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah
I need a girl like you, yeah yeah

Yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah
I need a girl like you

Songwriters: Adam Noah Levine / Brittany Talia Hazzard / Gian Stone / Henry Russell Walter / Jason Gregory Evigan

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