Sunday, May 20, 2018

Cara Memindah Chat WhatsApp Secara Manual Ke Sesama Smartphone Android

Kasus : Si A membeli sebuah smartphone Android baru, dan si A ingin memindah semua chat WhatsApp dari smartphone Android lamanya ke smartphone yang baru tadi, dikarenakan banyak chat/obrolan penting yang tidak boleh hilang.

Sebenarnya ada 2 cara untuk melakukan backup obrolan WhatsApp yaitu secara manual dan menggunakan fitur Google Drive. Keduanya memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan masing-masing. Namun bagi anda yang ingin menggunakan cara cepat dan tanpa menghabiskan banyak quota internet, maka opsi Backup Manual adalah pilihan yang tepat.

Catatan : Budayakan membaca tutorial hingga selesai terlebih dahulu sebelum mencoba.

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Prosesnya adalah kita melakukan backup terlebih dahulu, kemudian memindahkan file hasil backup tersebut ke perangkat smartphone Android baru milik anda. Sebelumnya pastikan Smartphone Android baru anda sudah tersedia aplikasi WhatsApp tapi jangan melakukan aktivasi akun dulu.

Untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan simak caranya dibawah ini:

# Buka WhatsApp. Silahkan buka WhatsApp anda terlebih dahulu dan tekan tombol Settings yang berupa 3 titik vertikal di sebelah kanan atas.

# Settings. Pilih opsi Settings.

# Chats setting. Pilih opsi Chats --> Chat backup.
Sebelum melakukan proses backup, cek terlebih dahulu pilihan pada 'Back up to Google Drive'. Pastikan opsi yang terpilih adalah 'Never' (No. 3). Setelah itu baru tekan tombol 'BACK UP' (No. 4) dan tunggu hingga proses selesai.

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# Penyimpanan Database WhatsApp. Setelah proses Backup selesai, waktunya memindah data hasil backup tersebut. Apakah letaknya di Phone Storage atau SD card, itu semua tergantung dari setelan smartphone anda masing-masing. Anda bisa cek kedua lokasi tersebut jika tidak yakin.

Lokasinya adalah : Phone storage/SD card --> WhatsApp --> Database.

Anda cukup memindahkan 2 file terbaru saja, tidak perlu semuanya (lihat gambar dibawah). Untuk memindahkannya bisa menggunakan bantuan komputer atau menggunakan aplikasi seperti SHAREit.

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PERHATIAN!! Apabila anda mengalami kesulitan semisal data backup tanggal terakhir tidak muncul baik itu lewat PC atau apk SHAREit, cukup lakukan cara ini: Hapus semua data backup pada Database WhatsApp dan kemudian lakukan backup ulang seperti cara diatas.

# Penyimpanan Database di Smartphone baru. Pindahkan kedua file tersebut di lokasi Phone storage/SD card --> WhatsApp --> Database.

# Aktivasi Akun WhatsApp. Lakukan aktivasi akun WhatsApp. Jika muncul opsi Restore backup langsung tekan saja tombol RESTORE dan tunggu prosesnya hingga selesai. Begitu proses aktivasi selesai, chat lama anda akan muncul lagi.

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Demikianlah tutorial singkat Cara Memindah Chat WhatsApp Secara Manual Ke Sesama Smartphone Android. Semoga bermanfaat

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

How to Add New Contacts in WhatsApp on an Android Device

If you want to add a new contact on WhatsApp app on your android smartphone, you can do it in 2 ways. The difference between these two ways is only whether the new contacts have been or have not sent you a message.

For more details see these two ways in the tutorial below.

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How Do I Add A New Contact in WhatsApp?

# New Contacts Who Never Send Us A Message At All.

1. Go to WhatsApp. open your WhatsApp App.
2. New Chat. Press the New Chat icon in the lower right corner.

how to add new contacts in WhatsApp on an android device, to add a international number, phone address book, instruction, tips, FAQ, whatsapp chat, tutorial

3. Add a New Contact. Press the add contact icon.

how to add new contacts in WhatsApp on an android device, to add a international number, phone address book, instruction, tips, FAQ, whatsapp chat, tutorial

4. Fill in contact data. Fill in the contact name and phone number. Use the international format for writing phone numbers, so that contact data is recognized by WhatsApp.

  • + [Country Code] [Full Phone Number].
  • Omit any leading 0's from the phone number.

After you finish writing the contact name and number, press the "Add new contact" check mark in the top left corner.

how to add new contacts in WhatsApp on an android device, to add a international number, phone address book, instruction, tips, FAQ, whatsapp chat, tutorial

5. Refresh Data. Refresh to have your WhatsApp contact data updated.

how to add new contacts in WhatsApp on an android device, to add a international number, phone address book, instruction, tips, FAQ, whatsapp chat, tutorial

# New Contacts Who Ever Sent Us A Message.

1. Go to WhatsApp. open your WhatsApp App.
2. Go to chat. Open chat from contacts whose data has not been saved yet. Click the 3 dots icon in the top right corner.

how to add new contacts in WhatsApp on an android device, to add a international number, phone address book, instruction, tips, FAQ, whatsapp chat, tutorial

3. Add to contacts. add new contact.

how to add new contacts in WhatsApp on an android device, to add a international number, phone address book, instruction, tips, FAQ, whatsapp chat, tutorial

4. Contact name selection. you will be given two options: save the new contact number to the pre-existing contact name, or you want to save it to the new contact name.

how to add new contacts in WhatsApp on an android device, to add a international number, phone address book, instruction, tips, FAQ, whatsapp chat, tutorial

5. Fill in Contact Data. If in the previous step you selected the "NEW" option, then you have to create a new contact name. When you have finished writing the contact name, press the "Add new contact" check mark in the top left corner.

how to add new contacts in WhatsApp on an android device, to add a international number, phone address book, instruction, tips, FAQ, whatsapp chat, tutorial

6. Refresh Data. Refresh to have your WhatsApp contact data updated.

Here's a tutorial on How to Add Contacts in WhatsApp on an Android Device. Hopefully this article useful for you all.

Friday, May 4, 2018

Inilah 2 Cara Cepat Menambah Kontak Pada WhatsApp Di Smartphone Android

Jika anda ingin menambah kontak baru pada aplikasi WhatsApp di smartphone android, ada 2 cara mudah yang bisa anda lakukan. Perbedaan kedua cara ini hanya terletak pada apakah kontak baru tersebut sudah pernah atau belum pernah mengirimi pesan kepada anda.

Biar anda tidak bingung, silahkan simak kedua cara tersebut pada tutorial dibawah ini.

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Bagaimana cara menambah nama kontak baru pada WhatsApp?

# Apabila Kontak Baru Belum Pernah Sama Sekali Mengirimi Kita Chat Atau Pesan.

1. Buka WhatsApp. Silahkan buka Aplikasi WhatsApp anda.
2. Chat Baru. Tekan Tombol Chat Baru di pojok kanan bawah.

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3. Tambah Kontak Baru. Tekan ikon tambah kontak.

menambah nama kontak whatsapp, panduan, tips, trik, android, tutorial, cara mudah. smartphone, nama baru, nomer baru

4. Isi Data Kontak. Isikan Nama dan Nomer telepon kontak. Untuk nomer telepon, ganti angka "0" di depan menjadi "+62" supaya data kontak ini dikenali oleh WhatsApp.
Contoh : 0857xxxxxxxx menjadi +62857xxxxxxxx

Setelah anda selesai menulis nama dan nomer kontak, tekan tanda centang Add new contact di pojok kiri atas.

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5. Refresh Data. Lakukan refresh agar data kontak WhatsApp anda terupdate.

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# Apabila Kontak Baru Pernah Mengirimi Kita Pesan Atau Chat.

1. Buka chat. Buka chat dari kontak yang belum tersimpan datanya. Klik ikon 3 titik di pojok kanan atas.

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2. Add to contacts. tambahkan kontak baru.

menambah nama kontak whatsapp, panduan, tips, trik, android, tutorial, cara mudah. smartphone, nama baru, nomer baru

3. Pilihan Nama Kontak. Disini anda akan diberi 2 opsi yaitu menyimpan nomer kontak baru tersebut pada nama kontak yang sudah ada sebelumnya, atau anda ingin menyimpannya pada nama kontak baru.

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4. Isi Data Kontak. Jika pada langkah sebelumnya anda memilih opsi "NEW", maka anda harus membuat nama kontak baru. Setelah anda selesai menulis nama kontak, tekan tanda centang Add new contact di pojok kiri atas.

menambah nama kontak whatsapp, panduan, tips, trik, android, tutorial, cara mudah. smartphone, nama baru, nomer baru

5. Refresh Data. Lakukan refresh agar data kontak WhatsApp anda terupdate.

Demikianlah tutorial singkat 2 Cara Cepat Menambah Kontak Pada WhatsApp. Semoga artikel ini bermanfaat bagi anda semua.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

WhatsApp - How To Configure Enter Button To Create New Rows In Chat

WhatsApp - How to set the "enter" button to create a new line in chat.

Have you ever had any difficulty or confusion about the function of the Enter key on WhatsApp chat? You intend to create a new line, but instead make your message sent. You've even repeatedly installed other android keyboard apps but the results are still not as expected.

If you experience the things mentioned above, do not panic. No need to re-install the WhatsApp app, or even buy a new android smartphone.

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How do I set the Enter key to create a new line on WhatsApp chat?

# Open WhatsApp. Open the WhatsApp app, and press the Settings button which is 3 vertical dots on the right.

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# Settings. Select the Settings option.

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# Chats. Select Chats Options.

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# Enter is send. Uncheck the "Enter is send"

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By doing so, your Enter key will work to create a new paragraph / line instead of sending a message. Here's a quick tutorial on How to Configure the Enter Button To Create a New Line On WhatsApp Chat. Hopefully useful for you all.

Monday, April 30, 2018

WhatsApp - Cara Konfigurasi Tombol Enter Untuk Membuat Baris Baru Pada Obrolan

Pernahkah anda mengalami kesulitan atau kebingungan mengenai fungsi tombol Enter pada obrolan WhatsApp? Anda bermaksud membuat garis atau paragraf baru tapi justru membuat pesan anda terkirim. Bahkan sudah berkali-kali install aplikasi keyboard android lainnya namun hasilnya tetap tidak sesuai harapan.

Jika anda mengalami hal yang sudah disebutkan diatas, tidak usah panik. Tidak perlu install ulang aplikasi WhatsApp, atau malahan sampai beli smartphone android baru.

If you want to read this article in English version, please click here : WhatsApp - How To Configure "Enter" Button To Create New Rows In Chat

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Bagaimana cara mengatur tombol Enter untuk membuat baris baru pada obrolan WhatsApp?

# Buka WhatsApp. Silahkan buka WhatsApp anda terlebih dahulu dan tekan tombol Settings yang berupa 3 titik vertikal di sebelah kanan.

membuat paragraf baru, merubah tombol send jadi enter, memunculkan tombol enter, cara spasi kebawah di whatsapp android, agar pesan whatsapp tidak langsung terkirim. smartphone, tips, trik, tutorial

# Settings. Pilih opsi Settings.

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# Chats. Pilih Opsi Chats.

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# Enter is send. Hilangkan tanda centang pada kotak pilihan Enter is send

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Nah dengan cara diatas, tombol Enter anda akan berfungsi membuat paragraf/baris baru, bukan mengirim pesan. Demikian tutorial singkat Cara Konfigurasi Tombol Enter Untuk Membuat Baris Baru Pada Obrolan WhatsApp. Semoga bermanfaat.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Lirik Lagu Kelayung-layung - Deviana Safara

Lagu ini menceritakan penyesalan seseorang yang sudah meninggal ketika dia sedang dibawa ke kuburnya menggunakan kereta mayat. Jadi jika didengarkan dan memahami makna lagu ini, rasanya jadi merinding-merinding gimana gitu..

ono tangis kelayung-layung [ada tangis tersedu-sedu]
tangise wong kang wedi mati [tangisnya orang yang takut mati]
gedungono kuncenono [kafanilah dan ikatlah]
yen wis mati mongso wurungo [kalau sudah mati tak bisa ditunda]

ditumpakke kreto jowo [dinaikan kereta jawa]
rodane rodo menungso [rodanya roda manusia]
ditutupi ambyang-ambyang [ditutupi kain keranda]
disirami banyune kembang [disirami air bunga]

ono tangis kelayung-layung [ada tangis tersedu-sedu]
tangise wong kang wedi mati [tangisnya orang yang takut mati]
gedungono kuncenono [kafanilah dan ikatlah]
yen wis mati mongso wurungo [kalau sudah mati tak bisa ditunda]

ditumpakke kreto jowo [dinaikan kereta jawa]
rodane rodo menungso [rodanya roda manusia]
ditutupi ambyang-ambyang [ditutupi kain keranda]
disirami banyune kembang [disirami air bunga]

duh Gusti Allah [duh Ya Allah]
kulo nyuwun pangapuro [saya mohon ampun]
ning sayange [tapi sayangnya]
wes ora ono guno [sudah tak ada guna]

ditumpakke kreto jowo [dinaikan kereta jawa]
rodane rodo menungso [rodanya roda manusia]
ditutupi ambyang-ambyang [ditutupi kain keranda]
disirami banyune kembang [disirami air bunga]

duh Gusti Allah [duh Ya Allah]
kulo nyuwun pangapuro [saya mohon ampun]
ning sayange [tapi sayangnya]
wes ora ono guno [sudah tak ada guna]

ditumpakke kreto jowo [dinaikan kereta jawa]
rodane rodo menungso [rodanya roda manusia]
ditutupi ambyang-ambyang [ditutupi kain keranda]
disirami banyune kembang [disirami air bunga]

Jika anda menyukai lagu diatas, silahkan membeli Kaset / CD Original-nya.
Lirik lagu diatas adalah hak cipta / hak milik dari pengarang, artis, dan label musik yg bersangkutan. Seluruh media termasuk lirik lagu yang terdapat di situs ini hanyalah untuk keperluan promosi dan informasi.
SINICHINET tidak menyediakan link download lagu Kelayung-layung.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Russia 2018 World Cup Schedule: Groups, Fixtures, Kick-off Times And Venues

FIFA World Cup 2018 will begin on 14 June 2018. Russia, as host, will open the World Cup with a match against Saudi Arabia on 14 June 2018 at Luzhniki Stadium Main Stadium, Moscow. World Cup 2018 is followed by 32 countries that will be divided into 8 Groups in the preliminary round.

For this year's World Cup mascot is Zabivaka, a wolf with red glasses. The wolf mascot is the creation of Ekaterina Bocharova, who is a design school student.

Russia 2018 World Cup Schedule, Groups, Fixtures, Kick-off Times, Venues, FIFA, groups, drawing, qualification, mascot. soccer, score, teams, football, update, opening match, wallchart, sport

World Cup 2018 Groups :

Group A : Russia, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Uruguay
Group B : Portugal, Spain, Morocco, Iran
Group C : France, Australia, Peru, Denmark
Group D : Argentina, Iceland, Croatia, Nigeria
Group E : Brazil, Switzerland, Costa Rica, Serbia
Group F : Germany, Mexico, Sweden, South Korea
Group G : Belgium, Panama, Tunisia, England
Group H : Poland, Senegal, Colombia, Japan

Russia 2018 World Cup Schedule, Groups, Fixtures, Kick-off Times, Venues, FIFA, groups, drawing, qualification, mascot. soccer, score, teams, football, update, opening match, wallchart, sport

Group A FIFA World Cup 2018 Schedule, Fixtures, Timetable, Matches list
14/06/2018 (4 pm) Russia vs Saudi Arabia Luzhniki Stadium (5-0)
15/06/2018 (1 pm) Egypt vs Uruguay Central Stadium (0-1)
19/06/2018 (7 pm) Russia vs Egypt Krestovsky Stadium (3-1)
20/06/2018 (4 pm) Uruguay vs Saudi Arabia Rostov Arena (1-0)
25/06/2018 (3 pm) Uruguay vs Russia Cosmos Arena (3-0)
25/06/2018 (3 pm) Saudi Arabia vs Egypt Volgograd Arena (3-0)
Group B FIFA World Cup 2018 Schedule, Fixtures, Timetable, Matches list
15/06/2018 (4 pm) Morocco vs Iran Krestovsky Stadium (0-1)
15/06/2018 (7 pm) Portugal vs Spain Fisht Olympic Stadium (3-3)
20/06/2018 (1 pm) Portugal vs Morocco Luzhniki Satdium (1-0)
20/06/2018 (7 pm) Iran vs Spain Kazan Arena (0-1)
25/06/2018 (7 pm) Spain vs Morocco Kaliningrad Stadium (2-2)
25/06/2018 (7 pm) Iran vs Portugal Mordovia Arena (1-1)
Group C FIFA World Cup 2018 Schedule, Fixtures, Timetable, Matches list
16/06/2018 (11 am) France vs Australia Kazan Arena (2-1)
16/06/2018 (5 pm) Peru vs Denmark Mordovia Arena (0-1)
21/06/2018 (1 pm) France vs Peru Central Stadium (1-0)
21/06/2018 (4 pm) Denmark vs Australia Cosmos Arena (1-1)
26/06/2018 (3 pm) Denmark vs France Luzhniki Stadium (0-0)
26/06/2018 (3 pm) Australia vs Peru Fisht Olympic Stadium (2-0)
Group D FIFA World Cup 2018 Schedule, Fixtures, Timetable, Matches list
16/06/2018 (2 pm) Argentina vs Iceland Otkrytiye Arena (1-1)
16/06/2018 (8 pm) Croatia vs Nigeria Kaliningrad Stadium (2-0)
21/06/2018 (7 pm) Argentina vs Croatia Nizhny Novgorod Stadium (0-3)
22/06/2018 (4 pm) Nigeria vs Iceland Volgograd Stadium (2-0)
26/06/2018 (7 pm) Iceland vs Croatia Rostov Arena (1-2)
26/06/2018 (7 pm) Nigeria vs Argentina Krestovsky Stadium (1-2)
Group E FIFA World Cup 2018 Schedule, Fixtures, Timetable, Matches list
17/06/2018 (1 pm) Costa Rica vs Serbia Cosmos Arena (0-1)
17/06/2018 (7 pm) Brazil vs Switzerland Rostov Arena (1-1)
22/06/2018 (1 pm) Brazil vs Costa Rica Krestovsky Stadium (2-0)
22/06/2018 (7 pm) Serbia vs Switzerland Kaliningrad Stadium (1-2)
27/06/2018 (7 pm) Serbia vs Brazil Otkrytiye Arena (0-2)
27/06/2018 (7 pm) Switzerland vs Costa Rica Nizhny Novgorod Stadium (2-2)
Group F FIFA World Cup 2018 Schedule, Fixtures, Timetable, Matches list
17/06/2018 (4 pm) Germany vs Mexico Luzhniki Stadium (0-1)
18/06/2018 (1 pm) Sweden vs South Korea Nizhny Novgorod Stadium (1-0)
23/06/2018 (4 pm) Germany vs Sweden Fisht Olympix Stadium (2-1)
23/06/2018 (7 pm) South Korea vs Mexico Rostov Arena (1-2)
27/06/2018 (3 pm) Mexico vs Sweden Central Stadium (0-3)
27/06/2018 (3 pm) South Korea vs Germany Kazan Arena (2-0)
Group G FIFA World Cup 2018 Schedule, Fixtures, Timetable, Matches list
18/06/2018 (4 pm) Belgium vs Panama Fisht Olympic Stadium (3-0)
18/06/2018 (7 pm) Tunisia vs England Volgograd Arena (1-2)
23/06/2018 (1 pm) Belgium vs Tunisia Otkrytiye Arena (5-2)
24/06/2018 (1 pm) England vs Panama Nizhny Stadium (6-1)
28/06/2018 (7 pm) England vs Belgium Kaliningrad Stadium (0-1)
28/06/2018 (7 pm) Panama vs Tunisia Mordovia Stadium (1-2)
Group H FIFA World Cup 2018 Schedule, Fixtures, Timetable, Matches list
19/06/2018 (1 pm) Poland vs Senegal Otkrytiye Arena (1-2)
19/06/2018 (4 pm) Colombia vs Japan Mordovia Arena (1-2)
24/06/2018 (4 pm) Japan vs Senegal Central Stadium (2-2)
24/06/2018 (7 pm) Poland vs Colombia Kazan Arena (0-3)
28/06/2018 (3 pm) Senegal vs Colombia Cosmos Arena (0-1)
28/06/2018 (3 pm) Japan vs Poland Volgograd Arena (0-1)

Round Of 16

Uruguay vs Portugal, 30 June 2018, 7 pm, Fisht Olympic Stadium (2-1)
Spain vs Russia, 1 July 2018, 3 pm, Luzhniki Stadium (1(3)-1(4))
France vs Argentina, 30 June 2018, 3 pm, Kazan Arena (4-3)
Croatia vs Denmark, 1 July 2018, 7 pm, Nizhny Novgorod Stadium (1(3)-1(2))
Brazil vs Mexico, 2 July 2018, 3 pm, Cosmos Arena (2-0)
Sweden vs Switzerland, 3 July 2018, 3 pm, Krestovsky Stadium (1-0)
Belgium vs Japan, 2 July 2018, 7 pm, Rostov Arena (3-2)
Colombia vs England, 3 July 2018, 7 pm, Otkrytiye Arena (1(3)-1(4))

Quarter Final

Uruguay vs France, 6 July 2018, 3pm, Nizhny Nogorod Stadium (0-2)
Brazil  vs Belgium, 6 Juli 2018, 7pm, Kazan Arena (1-2)
Sweden  vs England, 7 July 2018, 3pm, Cosmos Arena (0-2)
Russia vs Croatia, 7 July 2018, 7pm, Fisht Olympic Stadium (2(3)-2(4))

Semi Final

France vs Belgium, 10 July 2018, 7pm, Krestovsky Stadium (1-0)
England vs Croatia, 11 July 2018, 7pm, Luzhniki Stadium (1-2)

3rd Place Play Off

Belgium vs England, 14 July 2018, 3pm, Krestovsky Stadium (2-0)


France vs Croatia, 15 July 2018, 4pm, Luzhniki Stadium (4-2)

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Jadwal Lengkap Pertandingan Piala Dunia 2018 Rusia Terbaru

Piala Dunia 2018 Rusia akan dimulai pada 14 Juni 2018. Russia sebagai tuan rumah akan membuka Piala Dunia dengan pertandingan melawan Arab Saudi pada tanggal 14 Juni 2018 di Stadion Utama Luzhniki Stadium, Moscow. Piala Dunia 2018 ini diikuti oleh 32 negara yang akan terbagi menjadi 8 Grup di babak penyisihan.

Untuk maskot Piala Dunia kali ini adalah Zabivaka, seekor serigala berkacamata merah. Maskot serigala tersebut adalah hasil karya Ekaterina Bocharova yang merupakan seorang siswa sekolah desain.

Di Indonesia sendiri, tayangan siaran langsung Piala Dunia 2018 Rusia bisa anda saksikan di channel TransTV dan Trans7. 

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Berikut Fase Babak & tanggal main nya :

Fase Penyisihan Grup :   14 – 28 Juni 2018
16 Besar :   1 Juli – 4 Juli 2018
Perempat Final :   6 Juli – 8 Juli 2018
Semi Final :   11 Juli – 12 Juli 2018
Final :   15 Juli 2018

Pembagian Grup :

Arab Saudi
Kosta Rika
Korea Selatan

Jadwal Lengkap Pertandingan Piala Dunia 2018 Rusia lengkap dengan tanggal, jam, dan lokasi pertandingan.

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Grup A
  • Rusia vs Arab Saudi, 14 Juni 2018 (22.00 WIB) Luzhniki Stadium (5-0)
  • Mesir vs Uruguay, 15 Juni 2018 (21.00 WIB) Central Stadium (0-1)
  • Rusia vs Mesir, 10 Juni 2018 (01.00 WIB) Krestovsky Stadium (3-1)
  • Uruguay vs Arab Saudi, 20 Juni 2018 (22.00 WIB) Rostov Arena (1-0)
  • Uruguay vs Rusia, 25 Juni 2018 (22.00 WIB) Cosmos Arena (3-0)
  • Arab Saudi vs Mesir, 25 Juni 2018 (21.00 WIB) Volgograd Arena (3-0)

Grup B
  • Maroko vs Iran, 15 Juni 2018 (22.00 WIB) Krestovsky Stadium (0-1)
  • Portugal vs Spanyol, 16 Juni 2018 (01.00 WIB) Fisht Olympic Stadium (3-3)
  • Portugal vs Maroko, 20 Juni 2018 (19.00 WIB) Luzhniki Satdium (1-0)
  • Iran vs Spanyol, 21 Juni 2108 (01.00 WIB) Kazan Arena (0-1)
  • Iran vs Portugal , 26 Juni 2018 (01.00 WIB) Mordovia Arena (1-1)
  • Spanyol vs Maroko, 26 Juni 2018 (00.00 WIB) Kaliningrad Stadium (2-2)

Grup C
  • Prancis vs Autralia, 16 Juni 2018 (15.00 WIB) Kazan Arena (2-1)
  • Peru vs Denmark, 16 Juni 2018 (23.00 WIB) Mordovia Arena (0-1)
  • Prancis  vs Peru, 21 Juni 2018 (21.00 WIB) Central Stadium (1-0)
  • Denmark vs Australia, 21 Juni 2018 (23.00 WIB) Cosmos Arena (1-1)
  • Denmark vs Prancis, 26 Juni 2018 (21.00 WIB) Luzhniki Stadium (0-0)
  • Australia vs Peru, 26Juni 2018 (21.00 WIB) Fisht Olympic Stadium (2-0)

Grup D
  • Argentina vs Islandia, 16 Juni 2018 (20.00 WIB) Otkrytiye Arena (1-1)
  • Kroasia vs Nigeria, 17 Juni 2018 (01.00 WIB) Kaliningrad Stadium (2-0)
  • Argentina vs Kroasia, 22 Juni 2018 (01.00 WIB) Nizhny Novgorod Stadium (0-3)
  • Nigeria vs Islandia, 22 Juni 2018 (22.00 WIB) Volgograd Stadium (2-0)
  • Nigeria vs Argentina, 27 Juni 2018 (01.00 WIB) Krestovsky Stadium (1-2)
  • Islandia vs Kroasia, 27 Juni 2018 (01.00 WIB) Rostov Arena (1-2)

Grup E
  • Kosta Rika vs Serbia, 17 Juni 2018 (20.00 WIB) Cosmos Arena (0-1)
  • Brazil vs Swiss, 18 Juni 2018 (01.00 WIB) Rostov Arena (1-1)
  • Brazil vs Kosta Rika, 22 Juni 2018  (19.00 WIB) Krestovsky Stadium (2-0)
  • Serbia vs Swiss, 23 Juni 2018 (00.00 WIB) Kaliningrad Stadium (1-2)
  • Swiss vs Kosta Rika, 27 Juni 2018 (01.00 WIB) Nizhny Novgorod Stadium (2-2)
  • Serbia vs Brazil, 28 Juni 2018 (01.00 WIB) Otkrytiye Arena (0-2)

Grup F
  • Jerman vs Meksiko, 17 Juni 2018 (22.00 WIB) Luzhniki Stadium (0-1)
  • Swedia vs Korea Selatan, 18 Juni 2018 (19.00 WIB) Nizhny Novgorod Stadium (1-0)
  • Jerman vs Swedia, 23 Juni 2018 (22.00 WIB) Fisht Olympix Stadium (2-1)
  • Korea Selatan vs Meksiko, 24 Juni 2018 (01.00 WIB) Rostov Arena (1-2)
  • Korea Selatan vs Jerman, 27 Juni 2018 (21.00 WIB) Kazan Arena (2-0)
  • Meksiko vs Swedia, 27 Juni 2018 (23.00 WIB) Central Stadium (0-3)

Grup G
  • Belgia vs Panama, 18 Juni2018 (22.00 WIB) Fisht Olympic Stadium (3-0)
  • Tunisia vs Inggris, 19 Juni 2018 (01.00 WIB) Volgograd Arena (1-2)
  • Belgia vs Tunisia, 23 Juni 2018 (19.00 WIB) Otkrytiye Arena (5-2)
  • Inggris vs Panama, 24 Juni 2018 (19.00 WIB) Nizhny Stadium (6-1)
  • Inggris vs Belgia, 29 Juni 2018 (00.00 WIB) Kaliningrad Stadium (0-1)
  • Panama vs Tunisia, 29 Juni 2018 (01.00 WIB) Mordovia Stadium (1-2)

Grup H
  • Polandia vs Senegal, 19 Juni 2018 (19.00 WIB) Otkrytiye Arena (1-2)
  • Kolombia vs Jepang, 19 Juni 2018 (22.00 WIB) Mordovia Arena (1-2)
  • Jepang vs Senegal, 25 Juni 2018 (00.00 WIB) Central Stadium (2-2)
  • Polandia vs Kolombia, 25 Juni 2018 (01.00 WIB) Kazan Arena (0-3)
  • Jepang  vs Polandia, 28 Juni 2018 (21.00 WIB) Volgograd Arena (0-1)
  • Senegal vs Kolombia, 18 Juni 2018 (22.00 WIB) Cosmos Arena (0-1)

Babak 16 Besar

Uruguay vs Portugal, 1 Juli 2018 Fisht Olympic Stadium (2-1)
Spanyol vs Rusia, 1 Juli 2018 Luzhniki Stadium (1(3)-1(4))
Prancis vs Argentina, 30 Juni 2018 Kazan Arena (4-3)
Kroasia vs Denmark, 2 Juli 2018 Nizhny Novgorod Stadium (1(3)-1(2))
Brazil vs Meksiko, 2 Juli 2018 Cosmos Arena (2-0)
Swedia vs Swiss, 3 Juli 2018 Krestovsky Stadium (1-0)
Belgia vs Jepang, 3 Juli 2018 Rostov Arena (3-2)
Kolombia vs Inggris, 4 Juli 2018 Otkrytiye Arena (1(3)-1(4))

Babak 8 Besar

Uruguay vs Prancis, 6 Juli 2018 Nizhny Nogorod Stadium (0-2)
Brazil  vs Belgia, 7 Juli 2018 Kazan Arena (1-2)
Swedia  vs Inggris, 7 Juli 2018 Cosmos Arena (0-2)
Rusia vs Kroasia, 8 Juli 2018 Fisht Olympic Stadium (2(3)-2(4))

Semi Final

Prancis vs Belgia, 10 Juli 2018 Krestovsky Stadium (1-0)
Inggris vs Kroasia, 11 Juli 2018 Luzhniki stadium (1-2)

Perebutan Juara Ketiga
Belgia vs Inggris, 14 Juli 2018 Krestovsky Stadium (2-0)

Prancis vs Kroasia, 15 Juli 2018 Luzhniki Stadium (4-2)

Thursday, April 19, 2018

How To Mute WhatsApp Group Notification Sound

If you follow a chat group on WhatsApp, you will surely receive a notification on your Android Smartphone whenever any of the group members send a chat. Just imagine if within a day there are 500s of chats. That is if you follow only one group, what if you follow more than that. I just follow two chat groups (groups of college friends and high school friends), where the number of chats per day can reach 500s to 1500s chats.

Surely our Android smartphone will be ringing continuously. In addition to the noise, of course it can interfere with our concentration of work. So, do we need to get out of the group, so as not to receive notifications again? oh, of course not .. We do not need to get out of the group.

The trick is very easy, please follow the tutorial below to eliminate the sound of WhatsApp group notification:

Go to WhatsApp. First, please open your WhatsApp app and the chat group you are following.

Settings button. press the Settings button in the form of 3 vertical dots.

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Mute Options. Choose the Mute option

How To Mute WhatsApp Group Notification Sound, Turn off WhatsApp Group Notification Sound, remove the WhatsApp group notification, disable, mute, delete, notification sound, whatsapp chat group, android, smartphone, annoying sound

Mute Group. You will find 3 mute time options: 8 hours, 1 week, and 1 year. For the "Show notifications" option you can check or not. Then press "OK"

How To Mute WhatsApp Group Notification Sound, Turn off WhatsApp Group Notification Sound, remove the WhatsApp group notification, disable, mute, delete, notification sound, whatsapp chat group, android, smartphone, annoying sound

After this, you will not be bothered again by the sound of WhatsApp group notification from your Android smartphone.

Well .. That's the article on how to remove the WhatsApp group notification. Hopefully useful for you.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

How To Remove The Canon Pixma iP2770 Printer Case Cover

As a Canon iP2770 printer user, you should know, at least a few things, about how to do light maintenance when necessary. This is because, in addition to cost savings, we can also save time than sending our printer to a service center or call a technician.

For example there is paper jammed on the printer, and when you pick it up there is a scrap of paper left in the printer. So inevitably you have to disassemble your Canon printer.

No need to be confused, just remove the top casing of the printer cover, and you can easily take the pieces of paper.

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How To Remove The Canon Pixma iP2770 Printer Case Cover?

# Open the top cover. Open the top cover of the printer to locate the screws and locks.

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# Open screws. There are 4 screws you have to open first. 2 pieces on the front (right and left), and 2 more on the top (right and left). The screw on the top lies inside the hole beside the hinge of the paper tray lid. For more details please see in the picture below.

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how to remove the top cover of Canon Printer PIXMA iP 2770, How To Open Printer Case, How to Unload Printer, Guide, Unloading printer, troubleshooting and mainteance, printer service, printer service, repair your own printer

# Open all Locks. After removing all screws, you can proceed by unlocking 3 locks located on the body of the printer. 2 locks are on the front, and 1 lock is on the back of the printer. Use the help of a screwdriver to pry the locks.

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how to remove the top cover of Canon Printer PIXMA iP 2770, How To Open Printer Case, How to Unload Printer, Guide, Unloading printer, troubleshooting and mainteance, printer service, printer service, repair your own printer

# Lift the casing up. After all the screws and locks are released, lift the casing up to remove it. No need to force to lift it.

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